Five elements / 五行

Inspired by the five elements - or wu xing (五) – this landscape design for Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care provides immersive experiences by engaging all five senses (五种感官).  As we age, our five senses deteriorate at their own paces. A landscape that is designed around all of the senses encourages broader participation and engagement from the entire community.

The five fundamental elements of wu xing include fire (火), water (水), wood (木), earth (土), and metal (金).

This project was the result of a design studio in my first year as a masters student in landscape architecture at the University of Guelph. This submission was made for Yee Hong – Finch, however, designs could be applied to both new and existing Yee Hong facilities across the region. To-scale plans are availible in the full presentation downloadable below.

Instructor: Martin Holland

Tools used : Adobe Creative Suite, AutoCAD, & iMovie.